Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Never underestimate how a cup of coffee can fix your running

I'm sure that like us,  you've all got crazy schedules that seem to make running a distinct memory some days.   Each of our individual lives are jam-packed with the kiddos extra-carricular activities and the every day challenges of marriage and parenting so we're sure you can appreciate that trying to merge our schedules just to get a run in together is a conundrum all it's own.

Then, just when you think all is lost, something magical happens and the run-gods bring everything into alignment and bada-bing bada-boom you get it together.   In our case,  instead of a run, it was a coffee date.........to talk about running.

Jess and I are the type of runners that in order to keep on track,  need a goal to move us along.   Ironically,  we spend most of our time texting each other just trying to figure out what that goal can be since  we can't manage to get a run in together......  we know......vicious circle.  

So as it worked out we were sitting in a warm aquatic centre with coffees discussing our potential run plan for 2014.

Now, if you'll remember from last year about this time,  we planned to do a bunch of Northern Ontario races in order to save ourselves some money and experience more of what the north had to offer.   It must be said,  we loved the experience.   By far our favorite new experience was the Run for Patrick.  It's likely that we will do this race again this year and would encourage any of of our followers to give it a go.

Seems like 2014 is going to be the year of  ROLLING HILLS,  REDEMPTION & RE-UNITING  (is it just me or did you hear dramatic theme music?)

Rolling Hills: The Ramsay Tour and The Huntsville Half have hit our radar this year and both boast a very hilly and challanging course map.  Let's see what happens!  We'll be sure to post our antics!

Redemption: For runners this means taking back an absolutely crap-tastic race that you know in your runner's heart that you could've done better if something hadn't derailed it. (see Lowlights)  You let it sour you for a short time but in the end you always yearn to go back and kick it's ass.   For Jess this is the Toronto Women's 1/2 Marathon  and it looks like we are going to be heading  back to Toronto to take on this course and show it who's boss.  Due to hot firefighters on the course........I am absolutely willing to help Jess in this endeavour!

Reuniting: Running is the sport that can bring complete strangers into hours of conversation about everything from that icky toe,  to great conquests in training,  to failures and of course the self-deprication that only comes from running.   We have had the great pleasure to make some great run-friends in our years together and this year we are going to try to reunite with them at various races.   This one came about because of a challenge that was thrown down to us on Facebook from the amazing Sharon Devellis of Yummy Mummy and Speedskating Mom fame.  Looks like we are Mississauga bound.  We are also trying to reconnect with a couple ladies we had the pleasure of meeting during our time with Team in Training at the Montreal  Rock n' Roll Marathon but we are trying to convince them they need to come experience the north.......Wish us luck!

If anyone has races that they think we should try please let us know here or on our Facebook page.  We'd love to hear from you!

Long may we run,

Denise and Jessica